The letting go has begun. This is my take on autumn. When the chlorophyll that has washed over the bright and patina shades of red and gold and brown take their leave and the trees demonstrate a glorious dance and twirl of letting go.
Autumn is the time of paying attention. It is the point when all possibilities meets the limitations of growth and we are faced with the reality of that which is, in all its messy terrific glory. No wonder at the end of this shoulder season we gather in with others and light fires for warmth, roast the roots of harvest and sip on sweet abiding cocoa.
This is the season of breath, to take in that quality of air that is of spirit. This is the season of letting go, just as our bodies find ways to eliminate that which no longer serves. Perhaps you find yourself in a season of letting go, clearing out, refining focus.
Wherever we are in our life cycle, we can practice during each season. I have relinquished some things from my closet that no longer fit, some items of intended creative flourish and sent them on to others. I suppose I’m considering the end of harvest time in my own years, and approaching but not yet quite at the season of Autumn.
I am learning from those walking the path ahead of me how to push against and how to welcome this season of change, the chance to clarify and refine. I’m trusting more and more that the body does signal us to the path and practice of our seasons.
If you are interested in tuning in to your body, to exploring some practices for the season of your life, be in touch. I look forward to your adventuresome company on the path of life.
(This post was written Friday, November 4th, 2016).
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