Easter worship this morning at First Presbyterian in Asheville was pretty spectacular. The music, the liturgy, the message and the visual pageantry combined to create an inspiring celebration of God’s love for all of us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. But it was my second Easter Sunday worship…last Wednesday was the first.
The Haywood Street Congregation meets every Wednesday right after lunch. Starting at about 10:30 all kinds of people start showing up in the fellowship hall to talk and visit and get in line with the other 300 or so people who know from experience that the meal will be exceptional. By all kinds of people I mean men, women, children, young, old, white, black, Latino, gay, straight, poor, middle class, wealthy, homeless, barely housed, nicely housed, multiple houses, addicts, recovering addicts, “respectable” people, “scary” people, happy, sad, desperate, bored, ordinary and extraordinary people. After visiting and eating we have church upstairs in the sanctuary. And since we wouldn’t meet again until after Easter Sunday, we celebrated Easter Sunday on Wednesday.
Not very long after we settle into our pews and Rev. Brian Combs, the pastor, is leading us through the Easter liturgy, angry shouts start pouring through the open stained glass windows. “You f****** SOB! I am going to f*** you up, so f****** bad…” And on it goes, louder and closer as the entire congregation sits frozen in fear and embarrassment. I am sitting on the outside aisle, barely resisting the urge to shut the windows, to shut out the anger and pain. Several folks jump up, including Rev. Shannon Spencer, and go outside to help. As the shouting outside continues, Brian says, “You know this kind of thing happens at Haywood Street. Life here can be pretty raw.” Now the outside voices are getting calmer. “The guy you hear out there is John. John has had a hard week. He was denied housing. John struggles with alcoholism and mental illness. And that’s OK.” Now we hear police sirens getting closer. Brian tosses his bulletin to the floor. “What we planned in the bulletin is no longer what’s most important. Let’s talk about how to be a Christian with what just happened.” So people share about feeling afraid and helpless and guilty and responsible and hopeful. And outside we hear a policeman using his policeman’s voice to assess the situation. Brian and others offer prayers. Shannon and the others who went outside to help return to their seats. It seems the disruption has ended. But then Easter really starts to happen.
John, the central player in the disruption, comes to the sanctuary doors. He hesitates. Brian says, “Hi John. Welcome. It’s good to see you here. Come on in.” John shuffles down the isle, head down. He’s embarrassed and unsure. Brian steps up to John and gives him a big, longer-than-usual bear hug. Unanticipated gasps and yelps escape from the throats of observers. Eyes fill with tears. John takes a seat up front. The Easter service continues with more spectacular liturgy: a thorough discussion of the gospel text, Smokey’s baptism with gallons of water showered on all, special music, and the Lord’s Supper. We walk out into the bright sunshine, soggy, spent and smiling…having witnessed resurrection.
I do not like the bloody and ghastly theology of substitutionary atonement…that God, the grim judge, sacrifices his son as a cosmic payment for our sins. One day the church will repent of this very poor and (ironically) violent theology. Jesus saves me when I see him, living a loving and compassionate life, and then being tortured and murdered by the civil and religious authorities. When I see such innocence and love suffering…whether it is Jesus long ago or Jesus today in the suffering of innocents everywhere…it breaks my heart. It creates a new possibility. Within that brokenness are the seeds of my salvation and the possibility that Jesus’ love and compassion will be expressed in my life. Resurrection.
Easter is an occasion for great celebration. May we experience it early and often.
Rev. Tim D. says
Dear Allen,
Great blog post about John and the Resurrection. I was just thinking today that as I took a solitary drive through the wilderness of Kentucky after preaching a morning Easter service how strange and odd the theory of substitionary atonement is. It is violent authorities that killed Jesus, both religious and civil. I wonder how eager we would be to crucify Jesus if he lived today as opposed to how eager we would be to live out the Resurrection more in life.
Ramblings not associated with any denominational affiliation or churches.
Pastor Friend in Kentucky
Susan Steinberg says
This is powerful testimony, Allen! Thank you. Shannon Spencer was an intern at our church years ago. I’m glad to know she’s engaged in such meaningful ministry!
Virginia Craig says
I think this is the most beautiful Easter story I have ever read. Thank you.
Neil Leach says
I thank you,my brother, for bearing witness to the amazing power of love to bring healing and hope. You were present at two worship services not just to observe but to bear witness to what you heard with your eyes and saw with your eyes and felt in your heart.
You were present for two very different worship services where different people gathered in different places and you were gifted enough to share with us the Good News
of what can happen when love breaks through and resurrection happens again.
You have enabled many of us who may not have been present at either service to sing a new song. The folks at First Presbyterian Church are refreshed in hope through your witness and the folks at Haywood Street Congregation will never forget!
All the angels in heaven rejoice and seeking people throughout this community will remember your witness and be thankful.
Neil Leach says
I thank you,my brother, for bearing witness to the amazing power of love to bring healing and hope. You were present at two worship services not just to observe but to bear witness to what you heard with your ears and saw with your eyes and felt in your heart.
You were present for two very different worship services where different people gathered in different places and you were gifted enough to share with us the Good News
of what can happen when love breaks through and resurrection happens again.
You have enabled many of us who may not have been present at either service to sing a new song. The folks at First Presbyterian Church are refreshed in hope through your witness and the folks at Haywood Street Congregation will never forget!
All the angels in heaven rejoice and seeking people throughout this community will remember your witness and be thankful.
D'Etta Leach says
I never knew the phrase “substitutionary atonement” — I just knew the idea always felt wrong, awful to me. Thank you for putting into words what I always believed but didn’t know how to say. And thank you for the true Easter story.