We are ‘home’ in Prescott, Arizona (our apartment is upper left – we share the upstairs porch).
Some adventures we had:
The U-Haul trailer was written up as destined for Prescott, AR. We thought it rather cheap to drive it 2200 miles — turns out we got our trip for half off in the end. U Haul honored the price. My conversation with the man in Arkansas for directions was interesting. I figured something was amiss when he was stymied by directions from Phoenix. Turns out the manager at U Haul on Capital Blvd got his abbreviations mixed up between Arizona and Arkansas (and he was the second one of the week).
Our apartment is cozy, quaint, and all other words that can translate to ‘small’. Allen calls it our largest motel room yet. Pretty accurate. Except motels have dressers and we have a fenced in back yard here on Alarcon Street.
I understood we had 2 closets. It turns out we have one closet with two bars for hanging clothes.
We now have our non-hanging clothes tucked away in cubes – -rather like preschool containers for lunch boxes. Very collegiate feel. The college students we imagined living amongst have not materialized – we have the run of the place and the yard. We have porch chairs out on our second floor porch and have a fabulous view of ‘our mountain’ and the sun setting behind it.
A card table is our breakfast table and looks out over the eastward facing yard which is perfect for morning light and spying on Louie and Sofy in the yard.
Today we joined the YMCA of Prescott. I’m delighted to live 4 blocks from vegetarian Indian food that rivals the best NYC has to offer – and 2 blocks from The Raven, a vegetarian hippie place with live music. I can walk to the grocery store, the school, the park, all things downtown. The Y is a bit out of reach. The dog park is also a drive — but worth it.
The dog park folks were quite friendly — seems Heelers (sp?) and pit bulls are the fancy of Prescottonians. Folks were happy to meet some mutts like Sofy and Louie. We found out where the Republicans get their coffee – which is different from where we’ll get our coffee and only a few blocks difference.
Apparently it is challenging to find a hippie crunchy liberalish church out here. Christian = Conservative = Republican, so the dog park fans tell us. We’ll keep you posted. Mostly folks lead with the great swimming holes and hiking trails and ski spots and mountain biking trails.
Prescott is a town of about 43,000. Rather like Davidson I expect. The culture code is to “slow down, I have time for you”. This was lucky for us since the gas man wouldn’t turn on our gas until the electrician came to change the configuration inside the furnace closet. But the gas man waited around until the electrician came and we had heat within 2 hours.
Meanwhile, the gas man turned off all the gas to the building so this morning, the gas heated water tank was stone cold. But it was fixed by 3 this afternoon. We were prompted to get our YMCA membership in order just in case that was our shot at a hot shower. But we were able to use our own cozy shower and we have learned to leave the fan off during showers to humidify the room.
We’re getting ready to ramble and scramble about soon! Grand Canyon, Monument Valley and Meteor Crater are high on our list! We’ve never drunk so much water or swept up so much desert dust. It’s not quite ‘home’ yet, but has potential in a cozy quaint kind of way.
Miss you all and hope you are warm where you are!
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